Case Study: Green Evolution

Case Studies
Golf Son Muntaner

In Spain’s Balearic Islands, a popular European tourist destination, golf courses are obliged to use only recycled water.

On the island of Majorca, Arabella Golf proactively communicates its use of recycled water across its three golf courses to the local community and tourists.

In the first five years, it reduced water consumption by 18% by switching grass types and improving the efficiency of pumps.

It’s part of a wider long-term sustainability plan called Green Evolution which has seen a wide range of measures from providing free water to customers (cutting out 144,000 single use plastic bottles) to nature trails, enabling the community to experience and understand the benefits of the golf course environment.

The initiative saw the resort's golf courses gain GEO (Golf Environment Organization) Certification in 2023.

“Increasingly, there is a noticeable trend in the tourism industry that one of the five key considerations tourists base their decision on where to go on holiday is the environment,” says Bernat Llobera, Director of Golf.

“This is a present factor, not something that will come in the future. I would say in this case Arabella is a pioneer, at least here in Mallorca.”

*Content courtesy of European Tour Destinations